(A)drift in (An)amnesis
We Repass in Our Memory, Our Whole Life
Haptic Sound Sculpture, Camphor driftwood, wood, electronics, sound. 11’ x 20” x 3’, 2018
This tree, a Cinnamomum camphora, sings to itself a song of its former life: of the sun, rain and seasons. It sings of sap rising, mycelium spreading, and of the parasitic vine that strangled it. It sings of machines that cut it down. It sings of the insects that lived in and around, and that it carried while adrift on water. It sings of wind, and wet and cold, and of heat and thirst. Singing of rebirth, death and decay, with your gentle hands laid on its body, it sings still.
Forest Camouflage, 2016. Cape and shield made from Linden Leaves, Willow and California Bay Laurel Branches for 5 Hour Sculpture show at Montalvo Art Center
Wingbones, Bird Bones, Peepholes, Paper Mâché. 2012.
Accretion 1 & 2, Found Rusted Metal Box Covered in Barnacles, Glass Shards, Rabbit Fur, Glass Marbles. 2012.